Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Material experiments-Alex

My material I plan to experiment with is concrete.

Necessary materials
Concrete mix (Portland cement, agrigate, sand, water)
mixing bucket
some kind of mixer
mold making materials (Blue Foam, Press board, caulk, spackle)

Experiment 1-Stamping and molding concrete

In this experiment I will build a simple mold that will leave an exposed face that can be stamped at the proper time. I want to accomplish 2 things with this experiment. I want to find the smallest possible shape that the concrete will fill before it just backs up, and I also want to find out how easy it is to stamp the concrete.

Experiment 2-Coloring the concrete

Various methods of coloring concrete are available, from stain to color paste, and I plan on finding what works best.

experiment 3-finishing concrete

From filling holes to applying a sealer, I plan on learning all there is to learn about applying a finishing coat to concrete

1 comment:

  1. Looks good try get enough of you materials so you can get going on monday.
