Monday, February 23, 2009

Vacuum Form Final Model

Here is my final model for the vacuum forming project. All the parts were done in 40 mm styrene. If I would have done something differently it would have been to use thinner gauge styrene for the connection lip, only because the radii were a little too tight for 40 mm.

Vacuum Form Progress

Here is what I was able to accomplish in class. I had to form one side of the mold twice because I got a bad pull on the first try. I am using two different mold heights which may cause some issues, but hopefully not.

Final Styrene Model

Here is my finished styrene model. At first I didnt account for any of the gauges of the styrene when measuring the pieces so I went through a few trial pieces before getting it right. Also, I forgot to add in some supports in different places to give it some structure so there were some tricky spots I had to slide some shims in. I'm not a huge fan of this material, mainly because its kind of a one shot deal when joining parts together.

Styrene Model Progress

This is my styrene model in progress. The thicker styrene is harder to get a clean cut, while the thinner gauges seem to turn out better when less weld-on is used.

Final CAT Cardboard Model Photos

Here is my final CAT Skid Steer Loader. The part which I found most challenging was rabbiting just enough space to get the cardboard flush.