Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Eliot Coven Progress 2 Post

Today in class I built what I consider to be the hardest part on the Cat 939, the treds/tires. They consisted on several pieces overlayed on top of each other and they were wrapped inside the inside layer of corrugated cardboard for the actual tred. To make the tred itself I simply scored a cardboard piece the correct side and carefully pulled the outer layer off. The other pieces were challenging because they consisted of several different circular sections. By the end of class both treds were done. I stayed after and began work on the scoop. To wrap the backside of the curved scoop I made several scores in a rectangular piece of cardboard so it would bend to the shape I wanted it. What started out as a piece of cardboard and some computer printouts is beginning to take on a noticeable shape.

Eliot Coven

Eliot Progress Post 1

Progress 1)

I began by taking online specifications from the Caterpillar website and blowing them up to the exact proportions I wanted on Adobe Illustrator. I was lucky because the website gives a detailed PDF with side and back views that are very clear. I then measure everything out according to my blown up picture (which I printed on 11x17 paper) and began tracing individual pieces onto 8 1/2" by 11" paper. I started with the cab of the machine and decided to build the overall structure before adding details. After tracing certain pieces I would reverse the trace and draw over my lines again on the cardboard. Then I would cut out each piece. By the end of the first class of work, I had the four sides of the cab done and a rectangular prism structure for the base cut out. Later that night I cut the groves that would make them go together and glued those structures together.


When you told us to make sure we are keeping up with the blog I thought that you were talking about making sure everyone took care of the first week post, the one about the cardboard uses and the Cat machine pictures. I didn’t realize that every week we need to post a blog on our progress until you said so today. Dumb mistake. Now I know... Sorry.


(Pictue 1: The Adobe File/ Project Layout)

(Picture 2:Rough, Rough Traces)

(Picture 3: Almost complete beginining pieces)

I'm mostly done with the main body. I still have the arm movement and wheels and details to do.

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I have most of the back half completed on my CAT. I just need to keep working on the pieces to make sure everything fits together. I also plan on making the front part the movable portion.  I class tomorrow will give me the chance to create most of the model in which I will only have to make small edits over the weekend (adding steam-pipes and wheels, and other accessories that won't be out of cardboard).