Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Cardboard Can Be Fun

If they can make boats out of cardboard that work then we should be able to make sleds out of cardboard too... fun with cardboard all year round.

Project Progress

I have cut out several pieces for the project and have started putting the model together. I have found that the weld on pours out alot faster then i have thought it would which has created some problems.

Styrene progress

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Project 2

I got the bottom and back together. this project doesnt seem that difficult. I think it just requires patience and time.

Project 2 Progress

Here is what I was able to finish in class on Monday.

Finished Crane

Here is the Finished Crane. The Rear canopy and crane rotate 360 degrees

Project 2 Update

Here is an update of my work for the first day of the second project working with styrene plastic. I successfully cut out several faces that compose the larger object. Tomorrow I plan to attach them together using weld-on and supports. More updates to come.

Cat Project Update

Here are a few visuals that show my approach and process during the Cat Construction Project. I started out with the large basic shapes like the shovel and its arms, then worked my way back to the cab, then treads, engine plate and base plate. I made the arms and treads movable parts on my machine.