Wednesday, January 21, 2009


For the most part, people think that cardboard is only used for making brown boxes. For years that has been its main purpose, but today it can be found all over the place due to its versatility. I found two very interesting uses for cardboard. The first is cardboard furniture. This is somewhat popular. I found tables, chairs, couches, etc. They don't look very comfortable, and they are all brown, but its an interesting alternative to wasting a perfectly good material and creating trash. The second "green" recyclable alternative of cardboard is art. One artist uses cardboard as a medium for sculptures. The fine detail is pretty impressive. People who have used cardboard in the past need to start "thinking outside the box."


I chose to do the 939C Hystat Track Type Loader. It’s a fairly detailed and somewhat complicated Cat machine. I primarily picked it for its interesting, defining features. For instance it has large treads instead of tires and it has a spiky shovel loader. Also, the exhaust really stands out. However, it still has the beefy overall structure that is characteristic of other Cat products such as its boxy structure and the large hydraulics. I look forward to creating a scale model of this construction machine. It should be quite a challenge.

CAT Steam Roller CS-433E

For my CAT Model project I chose the CAT CS-433E (pictured below).

While looking for different uses for cardboard I found the design for an eco-friendly house made out of 100% recycled cardboard. Pictures and link below.

CAT Mining Truck

I want to build this beast. It is a Caterpillar Mining truck.

Midsize Wheel Loader

For my Caterpillar project I am going to build the Midsize Wheel Loader. I work around this kind of equipment alot so its definitely going to be fun for me to work on. I also have experience making mockups with cardboard, which when used right is a relatively sturdy material.