Monday, April 20, 2009

Carolyn's First Final Model Attempt

Here is my first attempt of my stained glass candle holder and the drawings that I based it on. I have very mixed feelings about it. The corners are still not right and therefore it is not something I can hand it. I am still pretty proud of it for my first attempt at making a stained glass object. I hoping that when I figure out how to do the corners right I can try to salvage this model, but I am not sure that’s going to be possible.

Mike Hummel's Progress

I've been out of class the last week due to an illness so this is my first post in a little while. I decided to build a rack that will hold my synth above my digital piano. The rack will attach to my stand that I already have for my piano. My current configuration:As you can see it's a little more difficult to play both instruments at once because of the way they are angled and on top of that I'm losing a lot of desk space. My rack will eliminate both of these problems.

So today I started making the rack with making some cuts on the chop saw and doing some welding and grinding to make the joints. Here is my rack so far:
It's a little hard to see but bsically it has 1" square tubing in the shape of 'C's on both sides and two .5" tubing running the length of the rack where the instrument will sit. I also made two little stoppers by bending sheet metal and welding it to the rack. These will hold the instrument in place since my rack is angled downwards. It is hemmed at the top so it doesn't cut my wrist when playing:

Weds. I will be bringing in my digital piano stand to do some drilling for bolts that will attach the rack to the stand.