Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Eliot Progress Post 1

Progress 1)

I began by taking online specifications from the Caterpillar website and blowing them up to the exact proportions I wanted on Adobe Illustrator. I was lucky because the website gives a detailed PDF with side and back views that are very clear. I then measure everything out according to my blown up picture (which I printed on 11x17 paper) and began tracing individual pieces onto 8 1/2" by 11" paper. I started with the cab of the machine and decided to build the overall structure before adding details. After tracing certain pieces I would reverse the trace and draw over my lines again on the cardboard. Then I would cut out each piece. By the end of the first class of work, I had the four sides of the cab done and a rectangular prism structure for the base cut out. Later that night I cut the groves that would make them go together and glued those structures together.


When you told us to make sure we are keeping up with the blog I thought that you were talking about making sure everyone took care of the first week post, the one about the cardboard uses and the Cat machine pictures. I didn’t realize that every week we need to post a blog on our progress until you said so today. Dumb mistake. Now I know... Sorry.


(Pictue 1: The Adobe File/ Project Layout)

(Picture 2:Rough, Rough Traces)

(Picture 3: Almost complete beginining pieces)

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