I have decided to conduct research on programmable memory polymer. After "setting" this plastic 160F water, it was can be continually shaped, hardened and reshaped as the user exposes it to water of 100F. I plan to experiment with placing graphics on the surface of the polymer and observing what happens when that surfaces is stretched and contorted. Adittionally, I want to experiment with the polymer's strength as I bend and stretch it at varying lengths. Finally, I would like to consider how the polymer works when reshaped at different scales (large and small, thin and think, etc.).
Hot water cooker
class cups
all necessary tools to build jigs for bending the polymer into specific shapes
x-acto knife
metal ruler
spray paints
spray primers
use of the laser cutter to etch in graphics
cutting matte
safety glasses
chemical mask
Looks good try get enough of you materials so you can get going on monday.