Friday, May 7, 2010

Final Project

I decided to design a back seat for my scooter. I used a steel base and welded on the back rest. I purchased fabric and outdoor foam to make the top of the seat. I attached it to the luggage rack using clamps. It turned out well......and it does work.


Project 3

CAT asphalt paver

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

For my last project i made clips for my pull bag. I will use these almost everyday, they hold my backpack close to my back while running. I drew them on illustrator, laser cut and then hand painted them white.

For the chess piece project i did a pawn for the white team. two color paint job, first i painted it all brown then i blocked off the top and painted it gloss white. the hardest ppart of this project was all of the sanding and spackleing

Monday, April 26, 2010

2nd Half

Vacuum Form project. My project was the Pisces Insignia. The animal depiction is of two fish but the sign pretty much looks like an H. Project started with two pieces of MDF. it took only one try for pulling each side with .60 styrene. Add weld-on and A LOT OF SANDING, and your good.

Motorcycle Blue Foam Project.
Blue Foam, Spackle, Primer, and more sanding.

Chess Piece: PAWN
Yellow Foam, Spackle, white Primer, Silver
Inspired by the Revolver.

Acrylic Laptop Stand- final project
A piece of plastic with bubbles in it that keeps my computer cool =D

Monday, April 19, 2010

Motorcycle Project. I had a group of five people, the project wasn't too difficult just a lot of sanding and spackling.

Monday, March 8, 2010