Tuesday, March 31, 2009

after the primer was done i started with the spray paint fist i coated the whole this with the matt paint and after that was dry and done i put on painters tape and paper around the top piece so i could paint the gloss part without driping on to the matt


Once the shape was finaly the way i wanted i put spot putty on it to smothen it out. I put a couple of coats and sanded them down to be ready for primer. After i got it smooth i placed about 3 coats of primer and sanded it with 600 grit and paper and also wet sanded it to get a better finish

This was my inspiration for my flash light design and the other is just an adjustment of the measurments. After making the measurments if the requirments i got my yellow foam and cut it down for the right size in order to use the lathe. Once that was ready i put i on the lathe to get the shape that i wanted

Matt's flashlight

My flashlight is finally finished. After i spot puttied and primed my light. i painted the whole thing flat black. Then i taped off the the flat black part and painted the light part chrome and the handle gloss red. Finally i put a gloss coat over the handle. While drying over night some wandering hands left a finger print on the gloss handle. So i then wet sanded it off and did another coat of gloss clear coat.


The flashlight project was a good learning exercise. This was the most enjoyable project yet and the one in which I learned the most. Using the lathe and spot putty were the two processes I gained from this project. I look forward to using spray paint and operating the lathe again.

Jordan_Flashlight Process_2

Jordan_Flashlight Process 1

Final Flashlight

This is my final for the flashlight project. The hardest part for me was getting the button to stick onto the bottom of my flashlight. All the adhesives didnt want to stick. I finally got it done and I am happy with the results. I enjoyed this project throughout and wish my flashlight actually worked

Carolyn's Finished Flashlight

Above are the pictures of my finished flashlight. Last class I lazor etched a grip out of styrene for my flashlight. Putting the grip on and getting it to stay was the hardest part of this project for me. I tried to use epoxy and weld on to put the grip on but nether worked great and caused some of the paint to come up so I had to respray some areas after I put the grip on.

Super Nintendo Controller Final:Eliot

This is our final blue foam. It took forever but it is done! It took many coats of Spackle and several coats of primer. The pigment in the primer was weak so I sprayed it with a white acrylic semi glass paint.

Final Flashlight

Here is my final yellow foam piece. After spackling and sanding multiple times I put on two coats of sand-able primer. I then used 600 grit sandpaper and wet sanded the whole piece. Once it showed no outstanding errors I put on a coat of aluminum gloss. This particular spray paint gave a hammered appearance over the whole piece. I then laid out two pin stripes over the whole piece with tape and finished it with matte black. I pulled off the tape and the aluminum colored stripes were there.

Yellow Foam Flashlight Process

This is the yellow foam form after I turned it on the lather and drilled a hole with a spade bit to create a recess for the button. I started the hole on the drill press, but it went in a little crooked, and I realized that yellow foam is so soft I could just correct the recess by using the spade bit with my hand.

My flashlight after I added several layers of spot putty, sanded with 400 grit, and sprayed primer. The rounded rocker switch was made out of Super Sculpey and is angled at the bottom because I want to make it move.

Sanding concave parts is tricky, I really like those thin flat sanding sponges, but I couldn't find one in 400 grit. This is the section where the bulb goes after I painted it. I taped the inside rim and covered the rest with a plastic bag attached to the tape to save time and avoid damaging the other surfaces with tape.

After I inserted a bulb I put the lens on. I was afraid gorilla glue would expand too much and be visible through the lens so I used acrylic cement that I had. Then I left the blue protective cover over the lens until I was done spray painting. Finally I put a teal metallic coat on, however unlike the first two colors which were basic spray paint, the teal was auto paint which looks great but is much more sensitive to temperature changes. After painting outside in my own backyard, I was concerned about the cold and the humidity, so I brought it into our kitchen because there is plenty of ventilation and nobody was going to be around for a while. That's when the paint started to bubble, and I realized I should have just kept it outside, because it stopped as soon as I brought it out. So I sanded and repainted it and applied a generous amount of Duplicolor gloss laquer. The rocker switch doesn't really move yet, so I inserted it with a piece of wire and elmers glue because I want to take it out later and see if I can get it to move. I really enjoyed working with these materials and am impressed with the kind of finishes that can be acheived with them.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Finished Harmonica Front

At one point I was in the store with my boyfriend getting supplies for this, and I said to him, "Do you think this is enough Spackle for a four foot wide harmonica?" We both had to stop for a moment and think about that sentence.

This is what the harmonica looks like from the front.
Finished harmonica
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Harmonica progress

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Mike Hummel flashlight

I don't have any pictures but my flashlight is in the paint room drying. After finishing sanding today I primed it and painted it orange. The button I painted flat black. I also picked up some metallic paint that I'm planning on using for the inside under the lens.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Josh Weiss Yellow Foam Project

I put two even coats of 3M glazing and spot putty over my flashlight and sanded both times as well. There are still some spots that need to be touched up which I will do tomorrow in class. I will also put my first coat of paint on it and hopefully lazer cut a lense for the front

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Carolyn's Yellow Foam Flashlight

Last class I made a button for my yellow foam flashlight. After carving it out of the foam I attached it with apoxy and then used spot putty so it made a smooth transition into the rest of the flashlight. To a cut out the whole for the lens using a spade bit on the drill press. I then drew the lens on illustrator and had it out out on the lazor cutter.

Blue Foam Hammer

Your Blue foam hammer is completed. To paint it we used a waterbased primer in the paint gun. Next we painted it with white paint. After that we had to sand down all the holes in the handle of the hammer and paint them by hand because the paint gun would not fill them in.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Eliot Coven Flashlight Post

In class I used the automotive glazing spot putty on my flashlight. I put it on very thin so I wouldn't have to sand much. I rubbed it into the yellow foam texture. I then sanded it with 400 grit and then 600 grit. I made sure to fill in any scratches and dents. Next class I will cut out my lens on the laser cutter and prime and paint it. I plan on painting it black and white with dark green in the circles.

Sam Ryan Yellow Foam Project

I started out the yellow foam project with a few sketches of flashlights that would embrace the form of the hand. I decided upon a design the has finger-like nodes that extend from the form. I formed a dome and hollowed out another piece of yellow foam that would fit a "dot-it" light (green in photo). I appoxied the two together and then began shaping the nodes. 

I drilled holes in both the nodes and the solid form. Then I placed appoxy on the short wooden dowels that were inserted into both pieces and let them cure to the form. 

I then went back and sanded down the rough edges of the form to prepare it for the glazed spot putty. I also had to sand down a few of the nodes so that the form would stand independently.

Here I applied several layers of glazed spot putty; sanding in-between each layer applied. 

Here is an MDF mold over which I vacuum formed 60 mil. styrene. This will be a glow cover that can be set over the flashlight as an ambient lighting piece while not in use. 

To wrap up this yellow foam project, I intend to apply primer and paint and make the styrene cover.